Jumat, Februari 05, 2010

song for my lady

Posted by LoveLy KhaLisa at 08.17
Malem ini kok bunda lagi melow yahh...
jadi teringat dulu lagu favorit waktu masih muda "alaakhh.." bunda suka sekali sama Kenny Rogers,,beli CD nya juga gak sengaja waktu itu ada sale 10 AUD..tapi ternyata semua lagu nya aku suka...
here is for my lady Khalisa...

You are so beautiful to me....
You are so beautiful to me....
Cant you see....

You're everything that I hoped for
You're everything I need
You are so beautiful to me....

You are so beautiful to me....
You are so beautiful to me....
Can't you see....

You're everything that I hoped for
You're everything I need

You are so beautiful
You are so beautiful
You are so beautiful to me....


Anonim mengatakan...

kalo aku suka lagu nya kenny rogers yang judul nya For the first time soundtract nya one fine day. Met kenal ya bun

Unknown on 21 April 2010 pukul 11.28 mengatakan...

mbaaa ayooo nulis lg ...kangen kbrnya Khalis niii ;)


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