Jumat, Oktober 31, 2008

Menjelang Ultah ke-1

Posted by LoveLy KhaLisa at 08.26
Begini niy...seperti yang dikutip babyonline:

Your 51 Week Old Baby
A Parent's Guide to Infants

What's New For Infants

Does your baby not want anything or is he just negative? Neither! He is a toddler! Shaking his head and saying "NO!" profusely is normal for your baby at this stage. However, just because he says no doesn't mean he means no. More than likely he is just practicing this new way of communication and if you asked him anything, including, "Do you want a cookie?" his response would be no.
memang benerr..khalisa tuhh apa-apa geleng geleng kepalaa terus, "mau krupuk..?" geleng-geleng...pas yang ditanya kedua kali nya, dia ambil n langsung dimakan...uuuuu...pake malu-malu segala siy neng..

To avoid a negative answer, ask questions that can't really be answered with a yes or no. Give choices to your child. "Do you want the ball or the rings?" or "Do you want apple juice or pear juice?" If your baby still shakes his head, offer him both toys, or just pick which of the choices you think he will like best.
wahh dia sekarang kalo ditawarin dua, tangan satu ambil yang mama pegang, satunya lagi tetep nagihh, jadi dua-duanya dehh diminta..;-p
Developmental Milestones*

Your baby is getting very picky in his food choices. He has found his favorites and will often not want to eat foods that you give him. When feeding your baby, make sure you offer him small portions of every option so that he can choose what he wants to eat. If he seems to lack an appetite these days, keep the liquids during the hours before his meal down to a minimum.

What Might Concern You at 51 Weeks

When should you give your baby a nice, fluffy pillow? Until now you have kept pillows out of the crib, as well as other stuffed objects, because of the fear of SIDS. For yourself, you can't imagine not having a soft place to lay your head, but for your baby they have never known anything different. And there is really no reason why your baby needs the pillow now.

The same holds true with blankets. Full footed sleepers are still plenty to keep your baby warm at night. While comfy blankets are your staple, your baby isn't used to it, and doesn't necessarily need it at this point. Pediatricians regularly recommend waiting till about two years before bringing out the pillows and blankets



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